Tuesday, September 4, 2018

My Old Self: A Desperate Druggie

My life 8 years ago...

🛑 WHOA. Major flashback and reflection moment. 

This was my life 8 years ago. Scrambling to find someone to loan me some pills for my migraines because they were so frequent and horrendous. Topomax is a horrific drug with irreversible side effects and I’ll go to my grave crusading against it, and yet here I was begging for it. Did you know that I was so desperate for relief, that as a self-supporting college student with my own job paying for all of my bills, I paid $24 for each Imitrex pill before the generic was released? My prescription was for 9 pills a month. You do the math. 
What I didn’t know then that I know now is that there is a much better way. It’s called making your body an inviting place where wellness thrives. It’s called feeding and watering it appropriately. It’s called using plant-based hormones to help your body regulate itself. It’s called ditching the harmful chemicals in your house that “smell so good” and finding an authentic alternative. It’s called relying on holistic remedies FIRST and saving the rescue pill for the absolute last resort instead of always reaching for that orange bottle with the childproof white lid.
Doctors were more than happy to just write me scripts and send me my way out the door. It was I who did hours and years of investigating to see that my migraines were not food-induced, but stemmed from taking artificial hormones in the form of birth control to help regulate my endometriosis (that went wrongly diagnosed for over a decade). Also chemical fragrances too. You see, I got tired of business as usual and took my health into my own hands because 13 years of going to doctor after doctor had done nothing but occasionally manage symptoms and in some cases made me sicker. I tell you this, nobody cares about your health and well-being more than YOU do. So if you are struggling in that arena (and most people are in one way or another), and you are tired of the same song, thousandth verse; reach out to me. It’s my passion to help people in multifaceted ways; not just essential oils, plant-based household products, quality health supplements (although you better believe I’ll tell you all about those!). Happily Oily After has grown to be a network of people who can support your health and well-being in non-invasive natural ways, including but not limited to:
• health/life coaching
• nutrition advice
• Bowen work
• Chiropractic
• Massage therapy and myofascial release
• Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine
• Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness
• wellness doctor recommendations 
Please know that there is a much better way and although it is not a quick fix (it involves commitment, research, and the tenacity to see it through), it has long-term rewards that are more than worth it. The baby who is nestled snugly in my womb is proof of it. I love and care about y’all. Thanks so much for reading. Again, please reach out to me if you or someone you know could use a different way of doing things...


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