Wednesday, April 17, 2019

My Why: This Child and Your Children

I never thought I would become an outspoken advocate for Vaccine Choice—that is, the awareness of the risks of vaccinating and fighting for the right to keep this decision within the family. I’m usually a keep-your-decisions-to-yourself kind of person, even though I might passionately disseminate wellness info that has worked well for my family...I’ve never been more afraid to speak up about my stance, even when it comes to politics—the most polarizing topic that exists, or so I thought. Nope, vaccination has politics beat. Among the many things ex-vaxxers (because rather than calling them anti, let’s call them what they really are: vaccinated adults who may have formerly vaccinated earlier kids) have been told: 

• You’re selfish people who endanger the lives of others.
• You’re uneducated.
• I hope your kids die.

It’s ugly, folks. The one I can’t stand more than any of them is surprisingly “you’re uneducated.” The “I hope your kids die” is simply just people lashing out in anger, and on some crazy level, I understand it—super fearful of contagious disease. The uneducated part irks me to no end. I’m a former teacher (science at that) who values continuous education, and I am constantly reading and researching. I have poured though credible online resources and listened to lectures led by doctors for hours and days on end. And I know enough about science to detect when it’s not clean—I.e. conducted or paid for by entities who have a conflict of interest, absence of a placebo, not double-blind, not a large enough sample size, not isolating the variable, not publishing results that disprove your hypothesis...the list goes on. It’s middle school science 101.

I have seen all of this in the studies that the CDC and FDA use to tout vaccines as irrefutably “safe and effective.” For crying out loud, the vaccine inserts don’t even say that. They are loaded with side effects and with warnings that they can even cause death. These are the same inserts that are never given to the patients by their doctors, so true informed consent is not happening.

All this to say, why have I decided to become an outspoken advocate for informed consent? Why? This is my why. This little boy.

Look into his eyes. He’s got the whole world in his eyes. The possibilities for his future are endless, and I want him to live his life free from long-term harm. I’ve said it a million times, no, vaccine injury isn’t certain. Just like contracting the disease isn’t certain. But the amount of heavy metals, neurotoxins, carcinogens, and human DNA in the mind-boggling amount of shots on the current vaccine schedule scares me. And that’s just what’s currently required; hundreds more are in the pipeline.

Until the powers that be:
1: Identify which genetic markers make some children more susceptible to injury than others
2: Perform double blind studies on vaccines against a true placebo 
3: Study the effects of multiple vaccines given together 
4: Make vaccines without toxic adjuvants 
5: Hold vaccine manufacturers liable in case of injury/death (which happens way more than people want to believe; see VAERS)
6: Begin handing out education, including the vaccine inserts, to patients before having them sign off on injections 

...until then, it’s going to be a hard pass for me. Now before you bring up herd immunity, let me ask you to look deeper into this concept. Hint: it was coined in the 1930s and applied to natural immunity (gained by contracting the illness) not vaccine “immunity” which at best, wanes over time. Even if I were to accept the misunderstood definition that 95% of the population being vaccinated protects the herd/those who cannot be vaccinated, do me a favor and look up the USS Fort McHenry. Hint: it’s a naval ship currently quarantined at sea containing a 100% recently vaccinated population of people....and they are in the middle of a mumps outbreak. Even if someone contracted it at port before the ship set sail, why is it continuing to spread??? HERD IMMUNITY IS A FARCE. 

To close, I mentioned my why. Not just my child, but yours too. My kid is important to me but so are yours and you aren’t being told the whole truth. The vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to make a safer product if we keep injecting the current ones into our kids without demanding safer ingredients and liability. Remember: the same FDA that says vaccines are safe is the same entity that has pulled dangerous drugs from the market—drugs that were once proven to be safe and effective. This is the same FDA that has ties to Monsanto who is still allowed to poison all of our crops. This is the same FDA that allows thousands of toxic ingredients to be used in the manufacturing of our personal care/cleaning products that countries in Europe won’t touch. 

Thank you for taking the time to read. Because I get hit up with counter points all the time before people have bothered to address my original points first, I’m going to respectfully ask that you first address my concerns before I begin addressing yours. Thank you for understanding.