Monday, August 6, 2018

Dear Jackson

Dear Sweet Jackson,

I haven't written in awhile. Probably because I've been writing tons of short posts about you and putting them on FB! Well I thought I should update you on everything in case you read this someday...

Everything is chugging along. I feel you everyday, multiple times a day. You're an active little baby and I absolutely love connecting with you in this way. So much time passes between my appointments, that I sometimes wonder how you're doing in there. When you kick or turn, it's fun for me!

I'm now 30 weeks and my belly is getting rounder by the day! Everyday someone comments on my belly and I have you to thank! I'm getting the nursery ready, slowly but surely. Some sweet mama donated tons of reusable diapers and other baby stuff and it took awhile to get it organized, but it's done! I am trying to hold off on buying stuff until my showers, but I'm getting antsy. Please arrive on time; I'm still trying to prep the house for you! Nesting has begun and I'm slowly organizing and cleaning, even though my back starts to hurt and I don't have the energy I once did.

Still I'm trying to stay fit so I can birth you naturally at the birthing center! I go to the Y twice a week and work out my arms and legs, sometimes in the water and sometimes on the treadmill. I get Bowen work weekly to keep my energy in a good place and to deal with the discomforts of my changing body. Yes, it's becoming harder and harder to sleep at night. I do toss and turn and have some carpal tunnel which isn't fun. But I don't blame you one bit! It's all a part of this beautiful process that I wanted so badly for years, so I will take it all. Other than that, it's been a great pregnancy and I don't have much to complain about.

EXCEPT, baby, it's getting HOT here in Texas and because it's hard to breathe, the heat does not help. It kinda makes my feet swell up after I walk Presley at night. Again, I will take it all because you are more than worth it. But I sure am praying to God that rains and clouds come our way because it keeps the temperature manageable. You are a little incubator in there!

Oh, also, I am wanting to eat everything bad for me. Carbs and sweets. I didn't crave them at all at first and now it's all I want (pancakes are in my dreams). My glucose numbers are borderline, so I have to make sure I'm eating lots of protein and veggies and staying away from all of those tasty treats. It sure is difficult, but I also want to make sure that your palate is primed for healthy foods!

Dad and I have researched all the big health decisions for you. We plan to breast-feed you and not induce you or have any contraction-inducing meds, so long as everything goes well. You'll learn what circumcision is later, but just FYI dad says he wants to let you decide if you want that later. We plan to support your immunity naturally, even though tons of people will fight me on this topic. Don't worry; we've done our research and know we are making the best decision for you, sweet child. There are so many essential oils in this house; you are going to love it!

Dad and I sing to you a few nights a week. It's so cute to see dad put his head to my belly and sing sweet songs to you! He also reads books to you as well and he cannot WAIT to do more of that when you say hello to this world! Just so you know, your dad is a book-o-holic so you will have a huge library waiting for you in your room! I'm decorating your room with fun colors and polka dots and rainbows and animals, even though you'll probably sleep in our room for awhile at first. I pray that you and I get into a regular sleeping and feeding pattern quite quickly!

As far as our hopes and dreams for you, we are are trying not to put our expectations on you. We would love to see what you bring to the table and what you can teach us about life. We do not have everything figured out by any means, so we are on this journey right alongside you as we figure things out together. Along the way, just know that we have a huge community of people that already love you and are here to support you as well. You have tons of family and friends who can't wait to meet you. But again, cook longer, dear one!


Your Mom and Dad in the Lavender fields in Utah!

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