"What's your favorite oil of all?"
You may find that question easy to answer, but I don't. My favorite constantly changes! It used to be Peace & Calming. Then it was Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood. Then it was Valor (still kinda is). Then I became obsessed with Bergamot. And Thieves...well I just cannot live without Thieves. Same with Digize, but I really only tolerate the smell of Digize, so it can't be that one.
Do you see? It's not so simple! But there is one oil that is so versatile...so effective...so powerful...that I have a bottle by my nightstand, in my office, AND in my purse. I bet you can't guess which one it is! Oh yeah, it's the title of this blog post. PEPPERMINT!
God, look how lovely it is. Surprisingly enough, I've never liked peppermint candies. You know the kind you can get at restaurants after you eat? So I was kinda impressed at how quickly I took to peppermint essential oil.
FACTOID: Did you know that it takes 1 POUND of peppermint leaves to make one 15 mL bottle of pure essential oil?! That's a crap-ton of peppermint plant! So this stuff is POTENT. I prefer to think of Peppermint as the Chuck Norris of essential oils. There's nothing it can't beat to a pulp. :D
I digress. So let's get back to some tangible ways you can use peppermint and fall in love with it like I have.
*Medical disclaimer: The information contained on this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information represents what I, an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, have chosen to do to take charge of my own personal health and that of my family. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. *
1) COOLING. Peppermint has a natural cooling effect, wherever it's applied. At first, it might take your breath away or freak you out when you apply it to your temples. It's so cooling, that many have put peppermint on their kiddos feet to help support temperature homeostasis when they baybays get hot. I for one, have made a cooling spray with distilled water, witch hazel, and peppermint oil. Now remember: oil and water don't mix, so make sure you shake it up before you spray. I live in Texas y'all. It's effing hot here. So I never leave home without my peppermint cooling spray to mist my arms and neck when I begin to feel a sweat coming on.
2) CONCENTRATION. Peppermint has a naturally uplifting quality to the smell. It has a way of perking you up when your brain is in a fog and maybe even improving your concentration when you can't seem to focus. I've made a spray with peppermint mixed with orange that I'll put on during that time after lunch when I want to pass out. Diffusing these two together is also divine!
3) DIGESTION. Digestive distress is on my family crest. Just kidding, but seriously. It runs in my family. That coupled with the fact that I don't always eat as cleanly as I know I should. So what can get things moving again? You guessed it. Peppermint oil mixed with carrier oil on my tumtum. It's very soothing and supports the digestion system in many ways!
4) NAUSEA. Speaking of digestion, a related topic is nausea. Back in the day before "modern medicine", native cultures used to chew on peppermint leaves to help with nausea. I think they may have learned a thing or two living surrounded by nature! I do believe that God put something on this planet to help with anything our bodies need. For me, just opening the bottle of peppermint and taking a whiff when nausea washes over me usually does the trick. If not, I'll take a couple of drops of peppermint vitality in a veggie capsule, sometimes also with ginger vitality.
5) EXERCISE. I don't work out at the gym, but judging by my Facebook feed, many do and are downright proud of it. And should be! Wanna increase your performance at the gym? Studies have shown that a drop of peppermint in water before exercise has boosted performance. Do your own experiment and see what peppermint can do for you!
6) ITCHING. Got a bug bite? Put peppermint on it for some soothing relief. Lavender works too.
7) RESPIRATORY. We all know that lung and nose issues can be utterly annoying. One nostril works, and the other doesn't. Eucalyptus is great for aiding in opening your airways, but guess what? So is peppermint! Diffuse it or put a drop on your hands and inhale. Plus the added benefit that it'll wake you right up!
8) SEASONAL DISCOMFORT. Yeah, you read that right. Right along with the former respiratory comment, peppermint is a key ingredient in a little roll-on I like to make to support me during Pollenocalypse. The ingredients are equal parts lemon, lavender, peppermint, and copaiba in some carrier oil. You can also take a couple of drops of each oil (the Vitality line) in a capsule to do double duty on such days that being outside makes your face less than smiley.
9) HEADACHES - Man. Chronic sufferer here. I can tell you the back story behind it but I don't want to bore you to death. All I know is that peppermint oil on my temples or behind my ears is such a wonderful way to help me cope with my headaches. Sometimes I even add basil EO on top of the peppermint or lavender. But the peppermint is the one that will always be in my purse, without fail.
OBVI, peppermint is one bad-a mofo (if you want a saucier version of that label, use Samuel L. Jackson's voice and read the full dirty wordies). It truly is the Chuck Norris of essential oils. So order some today! If you aren't a member of YL, you can sign up here.
I'll leave you with a cool Chuck Norris-approved infographic:
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