Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Expect miracles. Those of us who have battled infertility know that that phrase is not to be spoken lightly. It’s almost a dangerous phrase. Because to expect miracles means that you have to expose your tender heart to hope for the nth time. Which also means you have to be willing to accept disappointment for the nth time. •••And yet nothing is more powerful than hope and belief.•••

What is the alternative? Living life as if nothing is rigged in your favor? As if miracles don’t happen to you? As if you never win anything? Nah. No matter how many times life has delivered sh*t to your door, you gotta be expecting better for tomorrow. In the words of the wise sage Joe Dirt, “You gotta keep on keepin’ on. Life’s a garden: dig it. You gotta make it work for you.”

One year ago today, I was 5.5 weeks pregnant—and partially terrified. Because the last time I had gotten a positive (2.5 years prior), my HcG and progesterone numbers were abysmal and I had a miscarriage. Dare I be excited? Dare I expect life to be rigged in my favor? Those of us who have lost know the feeling of nervously sitting in front of those kind phlebotomists. The way time seems to crawl when you’re waiting to hear back from your doctor about “the numbers.” Are they good? Have they continued to rise?

One year ago today I got these two printouts on which my doctor had scribbled one word: <<GOOD>>. Because of how I had been treating my body for two years (improved diet, eliminating toxic ingredients, using plant-based hormone-boosting oils, and mindset work), *this time* my numbers were excellent. I allowed myself to hope even deeper. Maybe life gives me exactly what I expect. Maybe life gives me a miracle.
#infertilityawareness #fertility #rainbowbaby #progesterone #hcg #rumi #QOTD #thepowerofhope #thepowerofbelief #dontgiveup

Friday, February 8, 2019

Coming Out

Here goes everything. Writing and posting this publicly, I stand to lose:

• credibility/likability 
• followers
• perhaps even friendships and family members

So I’ve sat on this topic, in the closet, for many months now...wanting desperately to fully disclose, but fearing the consequences. I’ve decided the time has come—with all of the recent media-fueled hysteria, I refuse to stay silent...I make my living sharing about a holistic, and pharmaceutical-clean/lean lifestyle, so why would this be any different? Sure the stakes are higher as this topic is more controversial, but hey...y’all know me: I’m an open book with a big mouth intent on maybe...perhaps helping a few people improve their quality of life and that of their future generations. So here it goes:

* I have not given nor do I intend to give my child a single vaccination. *

Before you judge me...or decide to what level you should disown me...or stay away from my should consider which is the likely scenario? That: 

(A) Two middle-aged, college-educated adults who tried for many, many years to have a baby finally get their wish and then selfishly and stupidly enter into a decision lightly that could put his life in danger, along with the lives of other children that we don’t give a rat’s a$$ about? Or

(B) That—charged with making the best health decisions for this new soul we were chosen to steward—we diligently weighed the pros and cons of vaccinations and after hours and weeks of digging into credible sources, tears, disbelief, and finally resolution, decided without a shred of doubt to decline all vaccinations for our child?

If you’re still reading, perhaps you’re teetering on believing B. If so, stick with me. You should know that our 20 year-old daughter is vaccinated and that we ourselves were both vaccinated as children. This is new territory for us. Perhaps you never considered NOT vaccinating because it saves lives right? Well it’s actually not so clear cut. I’ll lay out a few pertinent details in list form so that you may understand our journey that led us to this point.

• It started with me having a seed of doubt that I agonized and cried over as a newly pregnant woman. Erik was 100% FOR vaccines, and yet thankfully open to looking into it to allay my fears.

• Coincidentally, a family member shared a document with me that the doctor she works for gives all of their newly expecting patients. A list of all of the ingredients in the vaccines. Be forewarned: the rabbit hole is deep.

• Horrified, I went straight to the CDC website itself to read the vaccine inserts which, interestingly, are not provided to parents. What I discovered astounded me.

• More aluminum--a neurotoxin--than even the FDA considers safe is administered to children in these vaccines. Also many contain aborted fetal tissue so those who are pro-life AND pro-vaccine should look into this. Not to mention the countless other toxic ingredients.

• I was led to videos by two prominent previously pro-vax doctors. I watched their hour and a half presentations and was blown away at how they came to change their opinion on what used to be such a crucial part of their jobs, risking their reputation in the process. (Happy to share links to those videos)

• I began looking at statistics and learned that many of these diseases were sharply declining far before the vaccine had been introduced due to education and an increase in sanitation practices. And yet the vaccine usually gets credited.

• I learned about building natural immunity and how herd immunity doesn’t really “work” as many previous outbreaks happened in communities that have 90%+ vaccination rates. I also learned that the CDC considers a person “unvaccinated” if they are not up-to-date on the current 118 doses of “recommended” vaccines, which is the majority of the American public. So the media prints the cause of an outbreak as an unvaccinated individual when it is really due to an individual who simply isn’t current.

• I learned the only way to truly know your immunity to diseases is to have your titers drawn which virtually no one does. Because vaccines aren’t effective for life and many actually lose their effectiveness within 10-15 years, and as little as 1-3 years. I myself haven’t had a vaccine in probably two decades, and I’m willing to bet that many pro-vaxxers don’t realize that they are not protected as they believe themselves to be.

• There is a large community of individuals who have children/family members that have been vaccine injured. Some severely. Some have lost lives. I refused to watch the YouTube videos because I just couldn’t bear to. There is actually a department called VAERs that pays money to the families of vaccine-injured children—billions. The problem is that many do not receive compensation because they have been led to believe by doctors that it’s impossible that the injury is due to a vaccine (despite it sometimes being listed as a possible side effect on the vaccine insert which we do not see). 

• It should be noted that we read ZERO books by celebrities and watched ZERO one-sided documentaries in coming to our decision. We also chose not to feel guilty for vaccinating our 20 year-old daughter because at the time, we knew it to be best. 

• We looked at the statistics deeper than what is portrayed by media. Let’s take the tDaP for example, now pushed on pregnant women. The CDC website says that the vaccine is safe fo mothers and babies. and yet the insert says that the safety of this same vaccine has not been evaluated on pregnant women. Hmmm, and yet you want me to pass this untested cocktail onto my unborn fetus? Let's also consider the MMR vaccine that is currently being brandished in a fear-based way. The last reported death of someone by measles was in 2015. One death. The MMR vaccine however has led to over one hundred deaths (and that's just what is reported as due to the vaccine by VAERS), not to mention those that are hospitalized, injured, or adversely affected to various degrees.

• To put it succinctly, we evaluated the risks of the vaccines and the risks of contracting the illnesses they are supposed to protect us from and have decided not to vaccinate. We are 100% resolute in our decision. 

In conclusion, Erik and I love each and every one of you. If you choose to unfriend us for this, so be it. If you choose to have your child stay away from Jackson, it’s heartbreaking but we understand that you’re just doing what you feel is in the best interest of your babies. I get it. I would ask you, ***how much time have you truly invested into researching vaccines and vaccine injury?***
If the answer is none, that you just trust that diseases have been eradicated from them, I would challenge you to take a closer look.

If you have had a seed of doubt or if you do after reading this post, I’m happy to share studies, videos, websites, graphics, etc with you. I’ve collected a folder. 

If you’re a little pissed but still want to keep us around, I’m open to privately engaging in healthy, intelligent dialogue. All hateful comments on this post will immediately be removed; please PM me. Thank you for reading. Go forth and educate yourself. Anti-vaxxers aren’t uneducated jerks intent on killing innocent children.

Again, we love you and would love to keep as many of you in our lives as possible. That being said, I’d rather be hated for I am, than loved for who I’m not. So out of the closet I come!